Ticket Refund or Cancellation Notice
Please note reunion event tickets cannot be refunded or cancelled in any way after the 24th April 2025.
Alumni Reunion - Class of 1975 celebrating their 50th anniversary year
Venue: St. Patrick's Campus
Date: Saturday, May 24th
Time: 2:00pm Event Registration
To attend the Saturday's event, you must purchase a ticket.
1. Golf @ 10:30am - https://sillogeparkgolfclub.com/ - Please contact Stephen Darby or Michael Downes to be included. You can email alumni@dcu.ie to be put in contact with them.
2. Croke Park Tour + GAA Museum @ 3pm w/ tea afterwards. Please contact Úna Killoran to be included. You can email alumni@dcu.ie to be put in contact with them.
3. Botanic Garden Tour @ 3pm. Please contact Mary Synnott to be included. You can email alumni@dcu.ie to be put in contact with them.
All Events will lead to Drinks in Teacher's Club after 7pm.
Please join your fellow classmates on St. Patrick's Campus to celebrate your 50th reunion. To attend the festivities on Saturday on campus, you will need to purchase a ticket. Tickets will become available on Wednesday March 19th. The ticket is €75.
Order of events
2:00pm Registration
3:00pm Mass in St. Patrick's Chapel
4:15pm Reception
6:00pm Class Photograph
6:30pm 3 Course Dinner
The Class of 1975 has organised their own post event reception at the Skylon Hotel for 9:00pm.
The University has a limited amount of rooms available on the All Hallows Campus.
Single Occupancy for €110 including breakfast.
These rooms will be available for purchase on March 19th when tickets for the event are available.
Skylon Hotel is offering a 15% discount off their dynamic pricing by using the code PATS75 on their web bookings. Also a full refund if cancelled up to 1 week beforehand. Breakfast not included but can be had for €18 on a walk in basis or by booking. This can be booked now.
Guests must book their accommodation rooms via ticket option available below before 10th April 2024
Keep in touch
To update your contact details with the DCU Alumni Office please visit dcu.ie/keepintouch
Ticket Refund or Cancellation Notice
Please note reunion event tickets cannot be refunded or cancelled in any way after the 24th April 2025.