Ticket Refund or Cancellation Notice
Please note reunion event tickets cannot be refunded or cancelled in any way after the 14 April 2024.
Alumni Reunion - DCU Glasnevin Reunion Event 2025
Dates: 14th June 2025
Venue: 1838 Restaurant, DCU Glasnevin Campus
Reconnect with old classmates and friends as you return to the Glasnevin campus to celebrate your Class Reunion.
Ticket includes three course meal with toast drink, class photo and tour of campus to mark this special reunion occasion.
Reunion Ticket cost, €75 per person
Keep in touch
To update your contact details with the DCU Alumni Office please visit dcu.ie/keepintouch
Ticket Refund or Cancellation Notice
Please note reunion event tickets cannot be refunded or cancelled in any way after the 14 April 2024.